Membership Plans & Pricing

A variety of plans for students at any level.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 1.125rem">Free Preview</span></p></div>

Free Preview


Gives you access to a limited number of videos and the ability to ask our AI questions to help locate videos. 

What's Included:

18 Videos


120+ Concept Videos

70+ Practice Problems

20+ Study With Us Videos

12+ Practice Exams 

Video Commenting

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span style="font-size: 1.125rem">Billed every month</span></strong></p></div>

Billed every month


Gives you access to all concept videos and the ability to ask our AI questions to help locate videos. 

What's Included:

120+Concept Videos

30 Day Access


70+ Practice Problems

20+ Study With Us Videos

12+ Practice Exams 

Video Commenting

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span style="font-size: 1.125rem">Billed every month</span></strong></p></div>

Billed every month


Gives you access to everything in the basic plus practice problems and practice exams.

What's Included:

120+ Concept Videos

30 Day Access


70+ Practice Problems

20+ Study WIth Us Videos 

12+ Practice Exams

Video Commenting

Get Help All Semester Long at a Discount

Take advantage of our Semesterly plans and save up to 30% a semester!

🤌 Save Me Some Money 🤌

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Chemmunity's videos and your YouTube videos?

Chemmunity's videos are completely different than those on Melissa Maribel's YouTube channel.

The videos you'll find on the YouTube channel are made specifically for the channel. They are less detailed, shorter, and contain more entertainment value because that's what the YouTube algorithm demands. 

However on Chemmunity, you'll find videos that are in a lecture format, as if Melissa was your online instructor. Chemmunity's videos prioritize learning as opposed to an algorithm. We make sure that the lesson includes enough explanations, examples, and practice problems, regardless of length so that you can learn the concepts.

The videos on Chemmunity are not being posted on YouTube but occasionally, we will post short teaser videos for marketing purposes on social media.

Is Chemmunity right for me?

We recommend joining Chemmunity if you're taking Organic Chemistry.

But if you have questions or need help deciding whether or not Chemmunity is right for you, email us at

Do you have videos for Organic Chemistry 1 and 2?

We sure do!

We have 95% of the curriculum completed for Organic Chemistry 1 and 90% completed for Organic Chemistry 2.

We're constantly creating new videos and upload them every week.

If there's an Organic Chemistry video we don't have, please submit a video request here.

What if I drop or withdraw from the class?

If you decide to drop or withdraw from the class and are on a subscription plan, please cancel your membership as soon as possible so you do not get charged again.

Once you've cancelled, we recommend letting our team know that you've dropped or withdrew from the class. Email us:

Is Chemmunity a subscription?

Most of our plans are subscriptions. However, from time to time we do offer one-time payment options that are shorter than a month.

You'll find all of our current plans on our pricing page.